Duration of the project
01.08.2011. - 30.11.2011.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Description of the project
On September 26-27, 2011 the conference was held at the University of Latvia under the topic „European Integration and Baltic Sea Region: Diversity and Perspective“. The conference was organized by University of Latvia together with the Baltic-German University Liaison Office, The Nordic Council of Ministers` Office in Latvia, Canadian and Finnish Embassies in Latvia, and other organizations.
The Conference was opened on September 26, 2011 at 10:00 in the main building of the University of Latvia, Raina Boulevard 19 Small Hall. After the official opening, at 12:00, a work on 11 conference sessions and parallel working groups was started, including the „University – Business Partnership” Forum that was organized closely together with the Baltic-German University Liaison Office.
The Forum was attended by more than 100 participants, including students, young scientists, researchers, academics, university leadership and administration representatives, entrepreneurs as well as high-level representatives from public, non-governmental and international organizations in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Czech Republic, Finland, Ukraine and Canada.
The main forum topics covered issues related to university – business partnership, including business education, social, economic, legal, cultural and regional aspects of European integration and the Baltic Sea region development, paying particular attention to cooperation of academia and business. The forum was aimed to promote performance and development of academia in regions that would ensure cohesion between regions and would allow a smooth and balanced social, economic and scientific development in the countries. The changes in global economic and social environment over the past few years are far more rapid and influential as they have ever been, and exit from the current situation is not straightforward and clear. Therefore, during these times of change and uncertainty it is substantially important to develop strategic academic and business partnerships where all parties of socio-economic environment would take part. During the Conference and the Forum researchers, experts and other participants presented the results of researches and shared their experiences concerning improvement and restructuring of university scientific research environment involving the business practices and elements in the core activities of universities.
Forum strengthened the relations among the Baltic States, Germany and other countries’ thus forming solid basis and a high potential of joint scientific research projects and joint academic activities to implement in near future with partners from academic, diplomatic, political and business environment.