Duration of the project
01.03.2012. - 30.11.2012.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
Aim of the project
The first part of this project is the intensification of the cooperation in research and education that already started in GEMLA project in 1996. The focus on a cross-section of geomatics is set in the disciplines of geosensor-networks, data-communication, geomonitoring, geodynamics, fundamental geodetic networks, space-methods and photogrammetry. The lectures and seminars in the above mentioned geomatic disciplines are completed by informative exhibitions concerning geomatics. So all interested parties of the society (students, teachers, related branches in technical and IT-/Geosciences, decision makers, politicians etc.) are reached and informed about the occupational profile, relevance for the society, science profile, RaD and modern geomatics applications. A further essential target of the TPQ-Geomatics is the education in the offered modern geomatic disciplines. Theoretical lectures, seminars and practical exercises, e.g. on geomonitoring of buildings are part of the activities.
The lectures and exercises on geosensor-networks and geomonitoring by Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences are addressed to geomatics, students of civil-engineering and geosciences, postgraduates, PhDs and professional attendants (building monitoring, geoscientists, representatives of GNSS-services, politics, administrations and assurances concerned with hazard mitigation and professionals on soft- and hardware developments). The attendants will be introduced with the complete geomonitoring chain in geosensor-networks (data acquisition, mathematical models, WebGIS-reporting and -alarm-management). Lectures and exercises with the systems MONIKA (www.monika.ag) of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences– designed for a country-wide GNSS-networks and geodynamical problems embedding local objects (e.g. construction areas) – and GOCA (www.goca.info) – designed for local and regional in-/outdoor geomonitoring (building, dams, landslides, tunnel) – cover the full geomonitoring spectrum.
The guest-lectures of Riga Technical University at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences are planned as different lectures and seminars within the international master Geomatics (MSc) programme. As topics the Latvian competencies of geodetic fundamental networks, geodetic space-methods (SLR, GNSS) and photogrammetry were selected. External participants and professionals from the practice will also take part in these presentations.
Main activities of the project
Organisation of the guest lectures in Latvia and Germany.
Target group and number of persons involved