Diaspora Tourism Research in the Baltic States: State of the Art and Future Challenges

Duration of the project

01.02.2015. - 15.12.2015.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Latvia
University of Greifswald
Vytautas Magnus University
University of Tartu

Aim of the project

Aim is to establish a network between German and Baltic researchers, coming from various disciplines and to study diaspora tourism in innovative ways. Interdisciplinary approach will help us both to achieve high level scientific results, which will be published in a report as well as to provide practical recommendations to stakeholders regarding the diaspora tourism.

Main activities of the project

1. The Diaspora Tourism Network founding meeting with the aim to develop guidelines of the Network and partnership and to discuss Project operational issues and long term activities of the network
2. Study of state of the art of diaspora tourism research and need analysis in the project partner countries
3. The Network meeting and seminar/discussion „Future Challenges of Diaspora Tourism Research in the Baltic states and Germany”
Baltisch-Deutsches Hochschulkontor 2015 10
4. Development of diaspora tourism research methodology/ future research dimensions.

Target group and number of persons involved

All together seven researchers participated in the realisation of the Project. Five participants were from the Baltic States and two from Germany.