Duration of the project
01.01.2011. - 15.12.2011.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Description of the project
The goal of the project was establishing close research and educational ties in the area of Business Informatics between both universities. The main beneficiaries of the project were 36 students of Business Informatics at Riga Technical University and the University of Rostock, as well as more than 20 researchers in the area of Business Informatics and Enterprise Modelling. The main activities in the project were the following ones: research in both institutions; organization of the workshop with the track on viable systems, exchange of lectures at the Riga Technical University and the University of Rostock. During the project it was possible to learn more about partnering institutions research and educational activities as well as to understand better administrative and legal possibilities and restrictions in cooperation at the level of study programs. The project was a good opportunity to understand better partner institutions and participate in their study process. The method for research and cooperation in study process was as follows. The preparatory work was done in each particular institution, then the results were analysed and further plans established during mutual visits. Such approach was fruitful and gave an opportunity to successfully prepare two research papers, organize a workshop, deliver lectures, and prepare the study material for inclusion in lecture courses. The further research direction in use of viable perspective in fractal enterprise analysis has been established as well as there is a continuation of cooperation in an educational process, namely in mutual supervision of master thesis, ERASMUS exchange, and work towards joint or double degree programs.