Duration of the project
01.01.2011. - 30.12.2011.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
Description of the project
The overall aim of the Project is to make a preparation works of music therapy integration in the welfare system of Latvia The goal of the project is to establish cooperation between higher education institutions of Germany and Latvia, adopt, adjust and integrate content of education, there way guarantee higher quality and attractiveness of study programme. There were 4 German expert host-lectures in Liepaja University on 2011. In the project has involved Augsburg University, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Head of Leopold-Mozart Centre and Health Study programme and Research Part prof. Dr. Tonius Timmermanns, who introduce our auditory of music therapy in the Psychodynamic’s Music Therapy. Host-lecturer Dr. Ines Kandert from Ludwig Maximilians-University, Munich, Social Pediatric and Youth Medical Institute, German Academy of Promoting of Development and Children and Youth Health, introduced with topicality and methods of Orff Music Therapy. Dr. rer.med Reiners Hauss, music therapeutist of Witten Herdeke University’s Children and Youth Clinic, introduced with qualitative and quantitative research in the music therapy, psychosomatic illness and methodical work. Ilse Wolfram, The member of the Board of the Germany Association of Music Therapy, introduced with the directions and types of music therapy in Germany, with Integrative Music Therapy, Meaning of Psychodynamics Music in the Musical Improvisation in the Therapeutic Environment. In the Forums was presented questions and actual quantitative and qualitative results of research, using methods of music therapy as ambulant, as inpatient medical care. Together with students of Latvia and colleagues of all Latvia, has analyzed different case study examples. Has also assessed, discussed and collected research works of Music therapy care of Latvia. There were also interdisciplinary ideas exchange about analyzed questions in the research, because without the music therapy specialists and students in the forums the part took medical psychologists and special pedagogy specialists of institutions of Latvia, where is working music therapists. In the same way in the workshops students and practicing music therapists acquired new skills of Orff Music Therapy, integrative music therapy and psychodynamics music therapy. Has discussed and outlined cooperation opportunities in the future between Latvia and Germany.