Duration of the project
01.03.2018. - 30.09.2018.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Aim of the project
The main intent of the project was to conduct a series of investigative research workshops exploring a possibility of novel usage of traditional recording techniques in animation and VR such as motion capture and 3D scanning, reaching beyond representative modes of the hardware and attempting new aesthetical articulations and new visual semantics.
Besides the workshops and lectures for the students in VGTU and KHM, there was also provided an open lecture for VGTU academic and research audience to introduce results of the project and also promote possibilities given by Baltish-Deutshes Hochschul Kontor.
Main activities of the project
- In April, 2018 in Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Research into magnetic motion capture and laser 3D scanning. This event was focused on the field recordings and data-clean-up. Also participating teachers were conducting lectures on the relevant subjects.
- June 2018 in Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. This second part of the project was focuses on the artistic usage of the recordings. Participants were exploring novel ways of appropriation of the technical data.
Target group and number of persons involved
Direct: Animation professionals and animation students (43).
Indirect: Professionals and students in such fields as visual effects, media production, multimedia technologies and creative industries (400).