Duration of the project
01.06.2021. - 15.11.2021.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
Project manager
Iveta Gudakovska
Achieved aim(s) of the project
One aim was to create networking between the universities of Latvia, Tartu and Heidelberg in research of Student Karzer phenomenon in the history of the European universities. Furthermore, it was aimed to establish an experience exchange of research, restoration and conservation work with Tartu and Heidelberg university museum specialists who gave useful advice in methodology, further archival studies and preservation for Student Karzer history to the specialists of the Museum of the University of Latvia. The last goal was to publish available information gathered accessible to the public of Student Karzers in Latvia, Estonia and Germany.
Main activities and venues
3 online workshops:
- Between the involved and invited universities of the project to get to know about the history and preservation of the Student Karzers of representing and others European universities; dating and determination of cooperation guidelines.
- Discovering the phenomenon of the Student Karzers of the Baltics and Germany in the context of the history of universities at the beginning of its establishment. Identification of the common and differences in the history of Student Karzer. Description of the space restoration and conservation process.
- Summarization of the results of the project in the final public online workshop, where a decision was made on the continuation of the cooperation between the universities of Latvia, Tartu and Heidelberg.
Direct and indirect target group
Direct: 4-6 (project team, representatives of other universities involved and researchers of European higher education history who are researching in the field of 18.-20. century, students)
Indirect: None (online workshops will be open to the public and to any who is interested)