Social sustainability and Social Work: approaches and methods for a social sustainable practice in Social Work

Duration of the project

01.09.2023. - 31.10.2023.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

Regensburg University of Applied Sciences
Mykolas Romeris University
Riga Stradins University
Tallinn University

Project manager

Prof. dr. Jolanta Pivoriene

Aims of the project

Improving the quality of higher education and science in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the area of social sustainability and the field of social work

Improving the exchange and networking of scientists to initiate scientific relations and university cooperation between Germany and the Baltic States in the field of social work

Improving the social sustainability through interdisciplinary approaches and methods to develop the practice of social work

Main activities of the project

preparation of workshop and conference (on line meetings, email exchange, joint documents),

implementation of workshop and conference at Mykolas Romeris university, Vilnius, Lithuania,

evaluation and reporting (on line meeting)

Public events in the frame of the project


October 17-18, 2023 – Workshop with students from three Baltic countries (hybrid event)

October 19, 2023 – Conference with researchers from three Baltic and other countries (face-to-face event).

Venue: Mykolas Romeris university, Ateities str. 20, Vilnius, Lithuania


Prof. dr. Michael Görtler

Prof. dr. Jolanta Pivoriene

Prof. dr. Lolita Vilka

Prof. dr. Mare Leino

Direct and indirect target group of the project


Participating students (up to 50 face to face and 100 on line – 50 from each country) and researchers (up to 100).



no less than 100 persons from academic communities of all four countries as the project activities and results will be widely announced on websites, Facebook accounts;

approximately 150 organizations which will employ highly skilled 150 graduates who will have competences which will be documented by certificate of the workshop;

approximately 1500 social service users who will receive professional support by highly skilled graduates (calculating that during first year of employment a person will have 10 clients; 150 students x10 clients=1500 persons;

approximately 1000 persons of wider community as an extensive article will be published on social media portal.