Duration of the project
14.06.2022. - 15.11.2022.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Projekt manager
Dr. Inta Klāsone
Aims of the project
Master and Ph.D. research workers school „Education Research under Interculturality, Creativity, and Innovations” (ERICI) is a three-day intensive course focusing on academic-entrepreneur collaboration. This course will be attended by master’s and doctoral students, experienced researchers, research workers, professionals, and entrepreneurs from the Baltic countries and Germany.
The Baltic countries and Germany are linked through joint conference organization, mobility of researchers, master’s and doctoral students, and topical educational implementation goals.
The school will emphasize the scientific competence of research workers through:
- collaboration between transnational researchers, professionals, and entrepreneurs;
- identification of research directions into creative, innovative interdisciplinary research; and
- opportunity to raise awareness of educational development by expanding the research collaboration network for the development of a digital curriculum.
- the opportunity to raise educational development awareness by expanding the research collaboration network for the development of a digital and sustainable society;
- the development of a research-based new dimension between education science and entrepreneurship in the Baltic countries and Germany.
Potential speakers and scientific consultants:
Researches and Professors:
Dina Bethere, Alīda Samuseviča, Inta Klāsone, Linda Pavitola, Inga Zeide, Pavels Jurs, Arturs Medveckis, Jürgen Rothlauf, Sven Laudien
Bettina Heinrichs, Vakaris Bernotas, Alvydas Klimas, Artūras Marcinkus, Marko Kekishev.
Main activities of the project
Network group meeting. Adress; Liela street 14, Liepaja University, Liepaja, Latvia, LV- 3401 Master’s and doctoral students meeting logistics, accommodation, activities, and catering
- Seminars
- Liepaja University, Liela street 14, Liepaja, Latvia, LV – 3401
Aspects of the current educational environment that are being used. D. Bethere, director of the Institute of Educational Sciences, will provide insight into the projects’ current issues. Professor L. Pavitola will speak about higher education educational issues. Prof. Dr. J. Rothlauf will speak about Teaching Intercultural Understanding. Current events in general education will be discussed by general education school directors, and researchers I. Zeide and P. Jurs. Lead researcher A. Medveckis will speak about his international project implementation experience at Liepaja University.
- Liepaja University, 14 Liela Street, Liepaja, Latvia, LV – 3401
The range of research performed by master‘s and doctoral students. Students will present their previously completed research work to other project participants, and experienced science education researchers will contribute to the discussion of the students’ presentations. Discussions will improve students’ ability to formulate and argue research methodology and structure while taking current issues in pedagogical science and business recommendations into account; improve communication skills, encourage students to become more confident in speaking up and asking questions; and generate more ideas about Interdisciplinarity, Creativity, and Interculturality.
- Workshops
- Workshop I Adress: Liela street 14, Liepaja University, Liepaja, Latvia, LV- 3401
Creation of project concepts. Students will be divided into two teams to work on the case assignment. Taking into account research experience, all participants will be divided into interdisciplinary research project development groups. Master and Doctoral Student Group’s activities will be carried out through familiarization with business activities provided by entrepreneurs. The course provides students with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in actual planning, digital and intercultural innovations in education research, and new perspectives in a collaborative setting. Students can consult with entrepreneurs to develop sustainable, intercultural, and digital solutions that have a real societal impact.
The message of professional entrepreneurs‘ self-experience. Professionals share their experience and knowledge. Students gain professional experience, evaluate the possibility of developing original scientific research projects, develop new academic and professional relationships between science and the workplace, improve knowledge and research practice, and open up opportunities for collaboration with participants from other countries, with a special focus on the Baltic States and Germany.
The workshop will provide participants with an opportunity to create a new perspective project ideas in the field of educational sciences, to develop new professional relationships between science and professional carrier, share experiences and insights, gain new knowledge and practice for personal growth in the field of education research; and will provide participants with a valuable networking opportunity with participants from other countries. Entrepreneurs and experienced researchers provide consultation.
- Workshop II Adress: Liela street 14, Liepaja University, Liepaja, Latvia, LV- 3401
Headlines regarding research and education. Experienced scientists and doctoral and master thesis supervisors, professionals update the traditions and innovative tendencies of educational research, discuss the development of educational science in a creative, innovative, interdisciplinary international framework; evaluates new innovative perspectives for the scientific growth of young researchers; develops criteria for the evaluation of the project’s essence; creates feedback on the work of the working groups, on the ideas of the created potential projects.
- Field research
- Private limited company OÜ Siirup. Adress company: Kentmanni 4/Sakala 10, 10116 Tallinn, Harjumaa. Since 1994, the company helped large and medium-sized companies sell more, and thus grow their business but also change consumer behaviors. Participants will gain an understanding of creative work planning and finding inputs; Concept and design development; Creating a brand and communication; Making a design; Motion picture production; Social media management; Web Development, Artistic creation. The company is putting on a poster display on Latvia at the University of Liepaja, with 100 posters (each measuring 70 x 100 cm). Adress: Liela street 14, Liepaja, Latvia. It’s an opportunity to learn about Latvian culture and how it’s presented in an international environment. It is an opportunity for attendees to learn more about the exhibition’s administration and receive a look at Latvia.
- Uab PLIENO SPEKTRAS was founded in 1993 and successfully operated since then. Adress: Dubysos str.37a, LT-91181 Klaipeda Lithuania. Located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea, Lithuania, the city of Klaipeda. Participants will gain an understanding of the company‘s modern engineering and stainless steel processing company. Company engineer, design, produce and install products widely in the food processing companies, specializes mainly in two directions: equipment for seafood and fish processing and equipment for processing of root vegetables like carrots, potatoes and similar. Custom-made products and subcontracting make quite a significant part of products.
Project targe group
Direct target group: 30
Experienced educational scientists, master’s, and doctoral-level students, entrepreneurs/professionals
Indirect target group: 30
Supervisors of master and doctoral theses, teachers, residents of the city and other interested people, and visitors who will have the opportunity to get acquainted with creativity and innovations in scientific research