Duration of the project
01.04.2018. - 30.11.2018.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Latvia

Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf
Aim of the project
Measure velocity in liquid metal driven by permanent magnets by multichannel ultrasound velocimeter. Exchange of experience with HZDR scientists.
Main activities of the project
- Experimental work in HZDR using ultrasound sensors to measure liquid metal flow velocity driven by permanent magnet stirrer. (22.09-29.09.2018)
- Experiments in UL with potential difference probe and ultrasound sensors (comparison with data obtained in HZDR) to measure liquid metal flow velocity driven by permanent magnet stirrer. (01.04-30.11.2018)
- Data analysis and processing of the results for publication in a conference paper. (01.04-30.11.2018)
Target group and number of persons involved
Direct target group is 3 persons from each institution directly involved in work. Scientific personnel and students of UL and HZDR participating in seminars and experimental work in each institute. Estimated number of participants in seminars were 20 people (indirect target group)