Duration of the project
10.05.2022. - 10.07.2022.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
University of Latvia
Humboldt University of Berlin
Project manager
Prof. Dr. Andris Guļāns
Achieved aim(s) of the project
- Enhanced collaboration between the hackathon participants,
- development of high-performance computing (exascale) algorithms in electronic structure codes (exciting, Abinit and FHI-aims),
- training in high-performance computing for local researchers.
Main activities of the project and venue(s) where the project activities were carried out
- Hackathon – 15.06.2022-20.06.2022
- Hands-on tutorial: Performance analysis tools for applications in high-performance computing. Lectures and practical exercises – 21.06.2022
Reached target group and number of persons involved
Direct: 19 hackathon participants and 8 participants of the hands-on tutorial.
Indirect: this target group is the international community of electronic-structure codes users, who will benefit from the results of this meeting in the future. We estimate their number as 200.