Theoretical particle physics: connecting the seesaw mechanism for neutrinos with an extended Higgs sector

Duration of the project

01.07.2014. - 15.12.2014.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

Vilnius University
University Würzburg

Aim of the project

  1. Research the connection between the Neutrino sector and the Higgs sector
  2. Establishing a long term cooperation between the two universities in particle physics.

Main activities of the project

  1. Working out models with an extended Higgs sector and estimating their influence on the neutrino sector.
  2. Proposing predictions for the LHC experiments at CERN.

Target group and number of persons involved

The primary target group were the 5 participants of the project.

~40 researchers and students in the institute for theoretical physics and astronomy (ITPA) and in the institute of theoretical physics (Teorinės fizikos katedra, TFK)

~80 teachers and students in the Jesuit gymnasium in Vilnius

Actively involved were only be the four members of the project in Lithuania and Prof. Dr. Werner Porod from Würzburg.