Duration of the project
01.06.2018. - 30.11.2018.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Aim of the project
The main aim of the project is to increase knowledge and competences of Baltic sea region health care and health management professionals in the field of economic modelling. Healthcare is one of the most important sectors. In addition to the medical treatment of patients, economic aspects also play an increasingly important role. Thus, the institutions and actors are exposed to a constant change in the legal, financial and socio-economic conditions. In particular, demographic change poses major challenges to those involved, especially in rural arears. The development of suitable, sustainable concepts to ensure high-quality health care in the future also represents an outstanding and important task.
Developing suitable concepts requires a fundamental understanding of the respective health systems and their mechanisms, which can be conveyed in an international exchange in the form of the planned project. In particular, the modelling of systems enables a well-founded examination of the considered systems and their mechanisms. These insights can be used for simulations and generate a positive effect in the field of health care. Topics such as process management, process modelling and optimization, but also the mod-elling and simulation of costs within the health sector as well as dis-ease development cover a variety of possible fields of application for modelling in the healthcare sector. These topics are to be presented during the International Summer School “Economic Modelling in Health Care” organised within the framework of the project, giving a comprehensive insight into the current German teaching and re-search practice and enabling further education and cooperation.
Main activities of the project
- Organizing of preparatory workshop (Riga, LV, Riga Stradiņš University).
- Organizing of International Summer School “Economic Modeling in Health Care” (Riga, LV, Riga Stradiņš University).
- Development and publication of informative and study material based on International Summer School results (Riga Stradiņš University, project partner universities).
Target group and number of persons involved
Direct target group are public health actors in the Baltic States, Germany, England, Finland and other participating countries:
- medical and nursing staff;
- management of health care facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, rehabilitation, etc.);
- representatives of health institutions;
- researchers and academic staff of the project universities;
- students from the fields of health management, health economics, public health and medicine as well as economics (depending on the number of participants and the number of students, a large number of students benefit from the methodology).
- From direct target group total 45 participants attended in the summer school, incl.:
- representatives of health care management organisations (3 representatives);
- representative of health care institutions (1);
- representatives academic and research staff (28);
- 13 students.
Indirect target group:
- students from the fields of health management, health economics, public health and medicine, as well as economics;
- hospitals and health institutions;
- health care governmental bodies.
It is predicted that at least 300 students will benefit from new lecturing materials developed after the project activities, as well as at least 100 employees of healthcare and public administration institutions.
According to statistics from the ISSR website, from the indirect target group, there were more than 300 unique pageviews (207 (ENG) and 123 (LV) (Annex No. 1 ENG website statistics, Annex No. 2 LV website statistics)).