Colloquium Balticum Rigense. Naturalia et artificialia: Language, Text, Culture

Duration of the project

26.08.2024. - 15.11.2024.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Latvia
Philipps-University Marburg
University of Tartu
Vilnius University
Lund University
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan

Project manager

Asst. Prof. Ilona Gorņeva

Short description of the achieved project aim(s)

The Colloquium Balticum, an international scientific conference, celebrated its 20th edition in 2024, bringing together classical philologists and researchers of ancient cultural heritage from the Baltic Sea region. It fostered collaboration across generations, involving both young and experienced scholars, while strengthening Baltic-German cultural and scientific ties.

The 2024 conference focused on the theme of naturalia et artificialia—the natural and the artificial—in language, text, and culture, particularly in the context of ancient cultural heritage and its reception studies. Scholars from Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Sweden, and Poland presented and discussed the concept through ancient texts, language, philosophy, and cross-cultural perspectives. Both presenters and participants in discussions explored its timeless relevance and its connections to modern issues, such as artificial intelligence.

Main activities of the project

  1. Preparations for the conference
  2. The conference “Colloquium Balticum Rigense 2024. Naturalia et artificialia: Language, Text, Culture”
  3. Activities after the end of the conference

Public events in the frame of the project

The project envisages the implementation of an ambitious international scientific conference

„Colloquium Balticum Rigense 2024. Naturalia et artificialia: Language, Text, Culture“.

Attendance at the conference is open to anyone interested.

Date: October 17 – 19, 2024 (3 days: Thursday, Friday, Saturday)


Planned venues:

October 17 : The University of Latvia historical building at 19a Rainis boulevard, AULA MINOR and auxiliary rooms;

October 18 and 19 : ALFA Conference Hall of the House of Sciences of the University of Latvia and auxiliary rooms (Riga, Jelgavas str. 3)

Languages of presentations and discussions: German and English

Reached target group and number of persons involved


Participants of the conference. Number of persons: 112


Parties informed about the conference and the project (including other teaching staff, students, graduates of the University of Latvia in the field of humanities, employees of Latvian culture institutions (including specialists in museum and library science), employees and students of Latvian educational institutions (mainly humanities, art and cultural history field), also people interested in lifelong learning, interest groups in social networks, representatives of the creative industries and consumers of cultural media, as well as colleagues and students of the partner institutions).

Number of persons: ~ 550 – 600