Duration of the project
03.08.2020. - 15.11.2020.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Project Manager
Accoc. prof. Sergejs Gaidukovs
Project goals
Investigation of novel bio-based UV-cured resins and exchange of ideas at workshops/ seminars:
- Online Meeting for planning collaboration – organized via email.
- Online Workshop about the cooperation project activities – November 4., via Zoom platform, more than 50 online participants. The program consisted of two presentations (“Vegetable oils as bio-based sources for UV initiated radically cured inks for 3D printing” and “Polyesters from itaconic acid – a bio-based alternative for radical curing materials?”), afterwards discussions and it ended with few ideas about the possibility of further collaborations.
Main activities and venues
Investigation of novel bio-based UV-cured resins and exchange of ideas at workshops/seminars:
- Online Meeting for planning collaboration – organized via email; organizer: Fraunhofer WKI, Germany.
- Online Workshop about the cooperation project activities; organizer: Riga Technical university FMAC, Riga, Latvia.
Public events
Online Workshop „Novel sustainable UV-curing of bio-based polymer resins“ about cooperation project progress, Riga Technical University, Faculty of Material Science and Applied chemistry, Riga, Latvia. November 2020. Sergejs Gaidukovs, Tobias Robert.
Creation of a webpage in order to attract new partners and industries and inform the public about the necessity of green substitutes for petroleum-based materials. The webpage is available in Latvian and English: https://biocure.rtu.lv/?lang=en.
Direct and indirect target groups
Direct (staff and co-workers at RTU and WKI: 15): there were 19 webinar participants who are also WKI or RTU employees including presenters and organizers.
Indirect (staff and co-workers and students at RTU and WKI: 50): the organized webinar was attended by more than 55 participants; a recording of the webinar has been watched more than 80 times (checked on 14.12.20.).
Webpage visitors (local (Latvia and Germany) and European companies and public: > 500): the statistics from the webpage are not available, but judging from the webinar video visits (since it is stored in the webpage) and our other posts via social media platforms (facebook.com, linkedIn.com and organizations institution webpages) 450 people were reached (that we can track and prove). The webpage visits should be around the same and will only grow with time.