Age-related Changes in cfDNA and Muscle Activity in Response to High-Intensity Training

Duration of the project

02.06.2021. - 31.10.2021.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

Lithuanian Sports University
University of Tartu
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz

Project manager

Prof. Marius Brazaitis

Achieved aim(s) of the project

The project’s main goal was to analyze the kinetics of cfDNA. The blood samples were taken and the release of cell free DNA (cfDNA) during high-intensity exercise and its correlation with aging was analysed. An online lecture cycle was organized to introduce as many people as possible to the results of the study and theory behind it. Furthermore, close relationships with the colleagues from Germany and Estonia were established in order to plan further projects together.

Main activities

Online lectures were published on 18th October and are still available for all students, academic staff and other people who are interested in a healthy lifestyle.

Direct and indirect target group

Direct: The project was directly relevant for the five applicants. Moreover, the scientific staff members of the departments in Mainz, Kaunas and Tartu benefited from the Baltic German exchange as well (total 15 people).

Indirect: The project has been visible to the scientific community of Mainz, Lithuania, Estonia and initiated further fruitful collaborations between the countries. Additionally, in line with our organized online lectures the sport science students (over a few hundreds), academic stuff and society in general has benefited from the knowledge exchange.