26.08.2024. - 15.11.2024.
Colloquium Balticum Rigense. Naturalia et artificialia: Language, Text, Culture
University of Latvia
15.05.2024. - 15.11.2024.
TalTechi digitaalsete ja kestlike muutuste uurimislabor nooremteaduritele
University of Tallinn
01.06.2024. - 15.11.2024.
Tarbijate kaitse kuritarvituste eest võlgade sissenõudmisel: Balti riikide ja Saksamaa õppetunnid
University of Tartu
01.06.2024. - 30.09.2024.
Noorteadlaste seminar: Lapsed kriiside keskel
University of Tartu
15.03.2024. - 31.10.2024.

Industry 4.0 for the maritime economy of the Baltic States
Klaipėda University
01.02.2024. - 31.10.2024.

Translation of fiber-based molecular spectroscopy to in situ analysis of pancreatic tumor tissue
Vilnius University
15.03.2024. - 31.10.2024.

Building cooperation between Latvia and Germany in the field of personal protective clothing and sportswear research
Riga Technical University
07.02.2024. - 15.11.2024.

International conference dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Immanuel Kant
Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka
National Library of Latvia
01.02.2024. - 30.10.2024.

Baltic-German Twinning for Research on Energetic Heterocycles (Acronym: HETERGETIC)
Riga Technical University
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