Documents to be submitted

  • The project proposal consists of a project application, a financial plan and a cooperation confirmation from the German partner(s). For travels abroad, the application must include detailed information about the intended stay.
  • For the application only the document forms prepared by the Baltic-German University Liaison Office must be used.
  • The project application and the financial plan have to be submitted in German or in English. Please use the blank “Project application form 2025 in German” or “Project application form 2025 in English”.
  • Please read the project guidelines 2025 carefully before filling out the application form.
  • Cooperation confirmation from the German partner(s) must be written on a form from the partner university. The cooperation confirmation must be signed by the German partner. Initially, cooperation confirmation may be without original signature of the German partner. If the project will be confirmed, the cooperation confirmation must be handed in with the original signature of the German partner.
  • All required documents have to be submitted, at the latest, by the end of the deadline for applications in the project application portal by 11:59 PM (time zone of the Baltic States).
  • Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.


Cooperation confirmation from the German partner(s) on a form of the partner university

Frequently asked questions

Before applying

Q: The partner I want to collaborate with is not a university. Can I submit an application?

A: Yes. However, the partner you have selected should be a research institute or institution (e.g., the Robert Koch Institute in Germany). Ideally, you should strive to make its research-oriented nature as clear as possible in your project application, especially in case of a less well-known institution.

Filling out the project application form

Q: In which language should I fill out the project application form?

A: You can write the project application as well as the financial plan either in German or in English. You should use the blank Project Application Form and Financial Plan Form that you can find here.


Q: Isn’t it better if I use only one of the blank project application forms (i.e., the one in English) and fill it out in English, German and [Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian]?

A: No. In case the project is approved, you will be provided with a blank form to describe the project in German or English and your native language [Lithuanian, Latvian or Estonian] by the Office.


Q: Should I write the precise start and end date of the project in the first section of point 4 of the project application form?

A: Yes. Please write the precise start and end date including day, month and year (format, as the Baltic-German University Liaison Office can only cover expenses that are made starting from the day you have indicated as the start date, and all expenses must be made during the project implementation period, before the day you have indicated as the end date.


Q: Should I mention the exact partner(s) I will collaborate with in section 2 of point 4 of the project application form?

A: Yes, cooperation institution you have selected have to be mentioned in this section, so that the Advisory Committee can judge the quality of the partnership more fairly.




Q: What do you mean by public events in section 5 of point 4 of the project application form?

A: Public events are any events that involve not only the project team and directly involved persons in the project, but also a larger audience. If you wish to organise a seminar between those who are directly involved in the project (e.g., the project managers and their respective research group(s) only), you should not write it in this section, but rather in section 4, under “Main activities”. If you wish to organise a conference or several events (in person and/or online) open to all interested students, professors or a general public, you should write it in the section 4, under “Public events”.


Q: Should I always indicate the number of people who will (directly and indirectly) benefit from the project in section 6 of point 4 of the project application form?

A: Yes. Of course, you won’t always be able to state the precise number of those who will be indirectly involved. However, you should strive to give at least an estimation or an approximate number, so that the Advisory Committee can judge the visibility of your project more fairly.


Q: What kind of valid measures to increase the visibility of the project can I mention under point 14?

A: If you plan to advertise the project on the website of your home university and the partner university(-ies), on any social media platforms, through the newsletters of the involved parties, on (local) news channels, on the (local) radio, through publications in scientific journals etc., you should write it in this section. Please provide as much information as possible by adding the name of the social media platform(s), the news channels and/or the scientific publication(s) where you have planned to publish the results of the project. Note that the project should be advertised specifically as funded by the Baltic-German Unversity Liaison Office as far and often as possible, for instance through the use of our logo and notice.


Q: Should I attach the CV or additional information about the staff and participants to the project application form?

A: No, it is not required to attach any additional documents.


Q: Should the project manager sign the electronic version of the project application form?

A: NO. You should not sign the project application form and the financial plan. These two documents, together with a cooperation confirmation from the German partner(s), should be submitted as one PDF file.

Filling out the financial plan

Q: I am in Lithuania and need to travel to Germany and back for the implementation of project-related activities. What is included in the flat rate mobility payment under point 1?

A: The flat rate mobility payment for traveling from the Baltic States to Germany or from Germany to the Baltic States and back covers the amount indicated in the project guidelines. It does not change under any circumstances, is granted once and should include the round trip (i.e. Lithuania-Germany-Lithuania) as well as all incidental expenses listed under point 8.1 of the project guidelines. Moreover, if you need to travel by bus, train or any other mean of public transportation in order to reach an airport and start the journey to Germany or Lithuania, note that this is also included in the flat rate mobility payment. This also applies if you need to travel from a smaller bus- or train station in order to reach a bigger one and enter the main journey by bus or train.


Q: Is there a flat rate mobility payment for other necessary travels between/within the Baltic States and within Germany, apart from the ones mentioned above?

A: No, there is no flat rate. Necessary travel expenses within/between the Baltic States and within Germany are calculated on the basis of actual expenses and have to be claimed according to the principles of cost-efficiency and economy (2nd class train tick-et; flight in economy class). However, if the members of the Advisory Committee think that the planned expenses listed by the project manager in the Financial Plan are too high, they will be reduced before the project is approved and the project manager will be asked to adjust them accordingly.


Q: A team member of the Baltic States will spend a total of 5 days in Germany to implement project-related activities. How the subsistence expenses are calculated?

A: For project participants the flat rate for the stay is calculated from the first day of the stay at the destination (arrival day) and can be claimed up to and including the day of departure. Arrival and departure dates shall be considered as a separate days. The calculation is as follows: flat rate (indicated in the project guidelines) X number of days.


Q: If I am in Germany/the Baltic States in order to implement project-related activities, and expense more as it was planned for a stay at a hotel. Does this change the flat rate of the stay?

A: No. The flat rate depends solely on your status and the average living costs of the respective country you will travel to. It does not vary accordingly to your actual expenses.


Q: Can the German partner be granted an honorarium to implement project-related activities?

A: No. As per point 10 of the project guidelines, fees for participants from the German partner institution(s) are not eligible for funding.


Q: During the project implementation period the project manager from a Baltic institution will organise and/or lead and/or supervise a conference (online and/or in person). However, these duties are not stated in the employment contract signed with the university. Can the project manager receive an honorarium?

A: No. As a general rule (cfr. point 10 of the project guidelines), project managers cannot receive an honorarium under any circumstances, regardless of what is stated in the employment contract.


Q: Can a team member of the Baltic institution receive an honorarium for implementing project-related activities of any kind?

A: No. A participant who works for the Baltic institution which has been granted the funding, cannot receive an honorarium under any circumstances, regardless of the input to the project and what is stated in the employment contract.


Q: I work neither for the Baltic institution which will receive the funding, nor for the German partner. Can I receive an honorarium?

A: In some cases, yes. For instance, an honorarium for translators and/or interpreters can usually be granted. However, keep in mind that the honorarium may not exceed 20% of the funding you wish to apply for (cfr. point 7.4 of the project guidelines); moreover, its necessity will be carefully considered by the Advisory Committee for each individual case.


Q: I have planned to advertise my project on social media, release interviews and/or publish the results in a scientific journal. Should I write it under point 9 of the financial plan?

A: Yes. You should strive to be as clear and detailed as possible to make the planned expenses understandable. This means that, for instance, you should write the name of the journal you plan to publish in and briefly and clearly state why you will need the funds you want to claim in order for the publication to happen. In case of a social media campaign, you should state the channel on which it will take place and provide a valid reason for the fund you want to claim (e.g., if you need to buy a particular online license, fund an advertisement campaign on Facebook, etc.).

Submitting the cooperation confirmation

Q:  What should the cooperation confirmation look like?

A: The cooperation confirmation from the German partner has to be an official letter with the letterhead of the partner university and has to be signed by the German partner themselves.


Q: I have more than one German partner. Should I submit the cooperation confirmation from each of them?

A: Yes. A separate confirmation from all your German partners is required.


Q: I have a German partner and a partner/several partners from the Baltic States. Should I submit the cooperation confirmation from my Baltic partner(s) as well?

A: No. Only a confirmation signed by your German partner(s) is required.