The Role of the EU and the Law in Times of Crisis
Symposium “The Role of the EU and the Law in Times of Crisis”:
- guest lecture “The EU and the Rule of Law in Times of Crisis” by Prof. Dr. Christoph Schewe (University of Applied Sciences in Kiel-Altenholz/Reinfeld);
- presentation “The Role of the Judicial Council as a Guarantee of Judicial Independence: Lithuanian Experience” by Prof. Dr. Toma Birmontienė (Mykolas Romeris University);
- presentation “Rule of Law and Judicial Independence” by Ingrīda Labucka (European Policy Research Institute);
- presentation “European Digital Sovereignty as a Challenge to European Private Law” by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmann (Tallinn University of Technology).
Venue: University of Latvia, Small Hall, Raiņa bulv. 19, Riga, Latvia