The bilingual book “PROTECTION OF ENTREPRENEURIAL FREEDOM in Lithuania and Germany” by Dr. Egidijus Šileikas and Prof. Dr. Jurgita Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė from the Faculty of Law at Vilnius University has been published.
The book is a result of the international scientific conference “The Importance of National Constitutional Guarantees for Economic Activity Freedom, Covering Lithuania and Germany,” which took place in 2018 as part of the project of the same name and was supported by the Baltic-German University Office.
The book is available for reading at our German Terminology Study Centre.
“J.M.R. Lenz’s book “Observations on the Theatre.””

“J.M.R. Lenz’s book “Observations on the Theatre.””
The Book „Observations on the Theatre. The Tutor, or, The Advantages of Private Education” written by J.M.R Lenz
The book is published within the project “International-scientific conference dedicated to J.M.R. Lenz’s 260th anniversary with the culture programme in Cesvaine and the first edition of his creation in Latvian” in cooperation with University of Applied Sciences and Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. This is the first attempt to link Lenz with the readership in the Latvian translation. The edition consists of his essay “Observations on the Theatre” and drama “The Tutor, or, The Advantages of Private Education”.
“What has Gilgamesh to do with genetic research? Articles on culture and popular belief””

“What has Gilgamesh to do with genetic research? Articles on culture and popular belief””
The book was published within the project “The publication of a selection of newer articles from German-speaking folklorists and historians in Estonian” lead by NGO Estonian Folklore Institute in cooperation with University of Kiel. The book includes 12 articles from well-known German-speaking folklorists, ethnologists, and historians in Estonian.
“Latvian University Magazine “Juridical science””

“Latvian University Magazine “Juridical science””
Latvian University Magazine "Juridical science" 7th edition
The Law Faculty of the University of Latvia, in cooperation with the Baltic Centre for Strategic Studies of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Latvian History Institute, carried out the project “Law–Political Situation in the Marine Region before and after the First World War(1917–1922), supported by the Baltic – German University Liaison Office. The publication of the University of Latvia summarizes the readings presented at the conference, which includes nine essays in English and German, with a translation into Latvian. The publication provides an extensive overview of the historical occurrence of the legitimacy and jurisdiction of Latvia and includes an insight into the experience of Estonia and Lithuania.
Digital version in German or Latvian is available here >>
“3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Educational Systems and Technology”

“3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Educational Systems and Technology”
3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Educational Systems and Technology - enhanced learning
The book contains the background of the third international seminar“ Intellectual Education Systems and e–Training”. The thesis focuses on the application of digital engineering techniques to education and business activities.
“International Business-Baltic Business Development”

“International Business-Baltic Business Development”
A new book “International Business-Baltic Business Development” has been issued with support from the Baltic-German University Liaison Office project “Kolokvijs in Tallinn”, which has been published in Central Europe. The book summarizes the problems of the Baltic Sea business development.
“Music therapy”

“Music therapy”
Music therapy - Education and research, experience and practice
“German – Latvian Music Therapy Education and Science Forum” – project, who helped to publish the book, made by Baltic – German University Liaison Office; the general objective of the project was to introduce procedures for music therapy as an integral part of medical care in Latvia, while the direct aim of the project was to establish cooperation between universities of Latvia and Germany in order to ensure the exchange of learning content, thereby contributing to improvements in the quality of study programmes.
“Rudolfs Blaumanis and 19th/20th. centuries change; Cultural Revolution in Europe”

“Rudolfs Blaumanis and 19th/20th. centuries change; Cultural Revolution in Europe”
The book covers from 14th to 16th March 2013 in Riga and the Ērgļi Rudolf Blauman‘s 150th Annual Day conference “Rudolfs Blaumanis and 19th/20th centuries change; Cultural revolution in Europe. Prose, drama and theater in text and context thesis.”
“Interlitteraria 18/2-2013”

“Interlitteraria 18/2-2013”
Interlitteraria 18/2-2013. Miscellanea, SCHRIFTsteller und DIKTATuren, Tartu University Press 2013
Following the workshops in Riga and Tartu in 2011 and 2012, which took place with the support of the Baltic – German University Liaison Office, assoc.prof. Lina Lukas and assoc.guest proffesor Silke Pasewalck have created a scientific edition “Interlitteraria”. In the seminars, attention was focused on the role of poetry and literature in the totalitarianism regime.This edition presents the latest trends in literature and cultural studies extended to the Soviet Union.
A book introduction can be downloaded here >>

“Baltic-German cultural exchange”

“Baltic-German cultural exchange”
Deutsch-Baltischer Kulturtransfer (in German)
Within the framework of the project supported by the Baltic–German University Liaison Office, the book “Deutsch-BaltischerKulturtransfer” has been published in the context of the scientific conference “Germanistic studies and perspectives for Cultural Science in Latvia and Germany”. The conference was attended by famous literal scientists in intercultural research fields from universities and institutes in Germany and Latvia. The main aim of the project was to analyse the Baltic–German literature relationship, taking into account current cultural transfer studies.
Insight into the first pages is available here >>

“German-Estonian verb dictionary”

“German-Estonian verb dictionary”
Worterbuch zur verbvalenz deutsch-estnisch (in German); Saksa-Eesti verbivalentsi sonaraamat (in Estonian)
“German-Estonian verb dictionary” is a good assistant to the Berlinian. The dictionary describes the use of approximately 750 German verbs in the form of sentence models and examples. However, if the Berlinian shows an interest in Estonian, it is possible to find translation options for each verb in Estonian together with corresponding sentences and sentence patterns in the dictionary.In order to look at the Estonian verb, the Estonian-German register of verb names will be useful, with references to types of verb, the origin of which can be found in a separate table.
“The Geopolitics of history in Latvian-Russian relations”

“The Geopolitics of history in Latvian-Russian relations”
“Geopolitics of history in Latvian-Russian relations” was produced by the Institute of Social and Political studies (LU SPPI) of the University of Latvia. Book editor is Nils Muižnieks. The inventory summarizes the presentation of Latvia in the narrative of Russian history (historiography, teaching books, documentaries), as well as an analysis of the “dialogues” of history in bilateral relations and international institutions. The authors are LU SZF teaching staff and doctoral candidates.
Digital version of a book is available here >>

“Knowledge Management as a Condition of Business Activity”

“Knowledge Management as a Condition of Business Activity”
The book was published according to the results of the project “Knowledge Management as a Condition of Business Activity: a Comparative Research in the Context of Small and Medium Enterprises of Latvia and Germany (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)” lead by Daugavpils University, Department of Economics, in cooperation with Wismar High school, Faculty of Economics, Institute of Entrepreneurship Taxes and Consulting. The book reflects the results of comparative investigation and includes conclusions and suggestions for small and medium enterprises.

“Basic vocabulary of European Union law “

“Basic vocabulary of European Union law “
The “Basic vocabulary of European Union law” comprises basic terms from the founding treaties and legal acts of the European Union and from legal dogmatics. Published in 2009 by Prof. Dr. Thomas Schmitz and the Baltic-German University Liaison Office. The book is divided into two editions.
Both editions are also available online: