Zn-air battery testing with the polymer-derived catalysts from University of Tartu

Duration of the project

13.07.2021. - 24.09.2021.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Tartu
University of Bremen

Project Manager

Dr. Marek Mooste

Achieved aim(s) of the project

All the aims of the project were achieved. The joint research paper will be published during one-year time.

Main activities and venues

1) The main activity of the project was the travelling of Dr. Marek Mooste from University of Tartu to University of Bremen to conduct zinc-air battery testing.

2) Also, the technology for zinc-air batter testing was brought to University of Tartu.

Direct and indirect target group

Direct: Prof. Kaido’s Tammeveski group (10 people), Prof. Kurosch Rezwan’s group (10 people).

Indirect: University of Tartu Institute of Chemistry (160 people)