The Preparation of the Collective Volume “The History and the Provenance of the Baltic Art- and Historico-Cultural Collections in the 19th and 20th century”

Duration of the project

15.06.2017. - 15.12.2017.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Latvia
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe

Aim of the project

The aim of this project is to prepare a scientific publication for the release – a collective volume of the history of the Baltic art- and historico-cultural objects and the collections in the context of the historical or the social environment in order to sensitize the complexity of the topic, as well as to stir the scientific and public interest in the Baltic in this topic.

Main activities of the project

  1. Organisation and coordination of the project – at the Latvian Historical Institute in Riga and Marburg – in cooperation with the Herder Institute and its publishing house.
  2. The translation of the prepared compositions in Riga, Valmiera, Tallinn, Vilnius, Torun, Marburg (the institutions of the authors or translators respectively)
  3. Editorial work for the compositions, in Riga and Marburg
  4. Administration of the project, in Riga
  5. Preparations for the publication in Marburg
  6. Presentation of the collective volume at the institutes in Riga and Marburg (planned on March 1, 2018)

Target group and number of persons involved

As far the collection of articles has not been issued yet, the target groups are mentioned as in the application:

Directly target group: historians, art historians, archaeologists, museum and library experts in Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania and Germany, as well as the German-speaking world, that has an interest in the history of the Baltic or Baltic-German collections respectively and in the cultural heritage of the historic region, especially the researched collections in the collective volume (approximately 500-1000).

Indirectly target group (parts of society that are indirectly included in project activities): in general parts of society that share an interest in the history of the Baltic collections as well as the Baltic cultural history. The collective volume: 1) offers a lot of illustrations and can therefore be considered to have public appeal; 2) in 2 or 3 years the book will be made available online for all interested parties through the platform of the Herder Institute (this is why the size of this target group is so difficult to predict), approximately a lot more than 1000 interested people.