Networking Drosophila research between Estonia and Germany

Duration of the project

01.02.2021. - 15.12.2021.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Tartu/Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
University of Freiburg/Faculty of Biology

Project Manager

Prof. Osamu Shimmi

Achieved aim(s) of the project

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster is a widely used model organism for biomedical research. Introducing an economical, genetically highly malleable and extensively used model system must be of significant benefit to the Estonian research community. In this project to further develop the knowledge and techniques used for Drosophila research a collaboration with a research group led by Dr. Pyrowolakis, University of Freiburg, was established. Furthermore, to popularize the Drosophila research in Estonia, a workshop was organized in Tartu. These activities led to further development in Drosophila research and contributed to strengthen relationship between Estonia and Germany.

Main activities and venues

Main activities of the project involved three programs.

Two public seminars have been organized in both Freiburg and Tartu. Osamu Shimmi gave a public seminar (online) at the University of Freiburg. Giorgos Pyrowolakis held a public seminar (online) at the University of Tartu.

A joint meeting (online) has been organized between the groups in Tartu and Freiburg to facilitate the scientific collaboration.

To acquire new experimental techniques in Drosophila, two researchers from University of Helsinki visited Tartu and gave instructions.

To popularize the Drosophila research in Estonia, a workshop titled “An introduction to the magic world of the fruit fly development” has been organized in Tartu.

Direct and indirect target group

Direct: Research group of members in Tartu and Freiburg (16 people)

Indirect: Participants of the workshop and public seminar (25 people)