Duration of the project
01.07.2011. - 15.11.2011.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Description of the project
An international scientific seminar „Multiphysical Modelling in OpenFOAM” was held on October 20 and 21, 2011 in the University of Latvia, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. Six reports on applied research, which was implemented employing the components of OpenFOAM programmes, were presented by invited specialists of the sphere. The seminar was attended by more than 40 participants from Latvia, Germany and Russia. At the conclusion a roundtable discussion „Why Choose OpenFOAM?” took place. A collection of the seminar report summaries and selected presentations has been published. The seminar materials are available at www.modlab.lv – the home page of Laboratory for Mathematical Modelling of Environmental and Technological Processes (LMMETP), University of Latvia. The event was organised in the framework of long-standing cooperation between LMMETP and the Institute of Electrotechnology, Leibniz University of Hanover.