International Conference “Economies of Central and Eastern Europe”

Duration of the project

01.03.2012. - 30.09.2012.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

Tallinn University of Technology
Hamburg University of Technology
Wismar University of Applied Sciences

Aim of the project

Between 17.6. – 19.6.2012 the 3nd International Conference “Economies of Central and Eastern Europe” took place in Tallinn and was hosted by Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration. So far the conference has been dominated by economic and monetary issues. After the proclamation of the Baltic Sea Strategy and the approval of the Agenda “Europe2020” the conference gave the floor for a special Colloquium on “CEE Business Development” consisting of conference sessions on “International Business” and a Forum on “Baltic Business Development” on 19.6.2012. The main goal of the Forum was to discuss university-business cooperation in the frame of the Baltic Sea strategy and the Agenda EU2020 with a special focus on SMEs, regional development and logistics. Since the dates of conference were coinciding with the end of the German Presidency in the CBSS in June 2012 the colloquium gave the opportunity for a deeper Baltic-German discussion about future developments in Baltic Sea Region.

Main activities of the project

Between 17.6. – 19.6.2012 the 3nd International Conference “Economies of Central and Eastern Europe” took place in Tallinn and was hosted by Tallinn School of Economics and Business Administration.

Target group and number of persons involved

Students, doctoral students, professors, entrepreneurs, policy makers