Duration of the project
01.06.2019. - 15.11.2019.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Project Manager
Prof. Saulius Šatkauskas
Project goals
As planned, implementation of the project allowed to acquire needed knowledge and show feasibility of electroporation for the efficient and robust deliver of nucleic acids on the whole genome-scale into living mammalian cell. During the project mini-electrodes have been built and adapted for the well of 96-well plate to electroporate adherent cells to enable them uptake siRNA.
Main activities of the project and venues
Lithuanian partner performed 2 visits to German partner: first visit for 3 days and second visit for 2 weeks. The aim of the first visit was to get acquainted with partners techniques, while the second one – was to perform proof-of concept experiments. German partner performed 1 visit to Lithuanian partner institution for discussion on project progress.
Public events in the frame of the project
During the visits of both partners public lectures for researchers and students were organized by the hosting partners.
Speakers: prof. S. Šatkauskas (LT partner) and Dr Holger Erfle (GER partner)
Direct and indirect target groups
Direct: Due to seminars about 20 researchers from partner academic institution benefited directly from the project.
Indirect: Over several thousand people working on fundamental molecular cell biology research, bioinformatics, modelling of regulatory networks will benefit from faster data access and from having to deal with higher quality data.