Duration of the project
21.06.2024. - 08.11.2024.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
Project manager
Silvija Bivainytė
Aim(s) of the project
As part of a student exchange project, we will be working in a laboratory in Germany under the guidance of Dr. Laura Manelyte from the University of Regensburg. Dr Manelyte is an expert in chromatin and chromatin remodelling, and we will explore new research methods under her supervision. The laboratory has the necessary expertise to conduct detailed research and explain our hypothesis on how drugs act depending on the activity of endogenous retroviruses. Our goal is to learn techniques currently out of stock in Kaunas. Specifically, we plan to study the effect of the chromatin remodeling protein SMARCAD1 on HERV (Human Endogenous Retrovirus) expression.
After returning, a seminar will be organized in Lithuania to share the acquired knowledge.
Public events
A seminar will be prepared (brief presentation of results) that will be open for researchers and the public (Germany).
A seminar (Lithuania): Upon returning to Lithuania, a seminar will be organized at LSMU to discuss the methods that were learned in Germany, the progress of the research, and its results. The planning for the lecture will commence in september, during which the speakers (from LSMU and Regensburg) and the exact date will be determined. The seminar will be open to the public and researchers. The detailed information will be published on Facebook, LinkedIn, the University (LSMU and Regensburg) and the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences websites.
Direct and indirect target group of the project
Direct: the project team (researchers (The chair of Biochemistry III at the University of Regensburg) and students involved in the research); researchers from the Laboratory of Molecular Cardiology, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Number: 22
Indirect: participants of the seminar, students involved in the research, LSMU researchers.
Number: from 30 to 70