Duration of the project
22.07.2011. - 15.12.2011.
Countries and institutions involved in the project

Description of the project
The project was based on the exchange of knowledge and experience between researchers at Riga Technical University Riga Biomaterial Innovation and Development Center (RTU RBIDC) and University of Rostock. Within the project scientists from Latvia and Germany shared their experience and knowledge of the implant materials and medical use of implants. It is a very time consuming process form the manufacture of implant until they are introduced as a medical products and this process also requires knowledgeable and professional researchers in fields such as chemistry, material science, cell biology, medicine, etc. Extensive knowledge is required in order to obtain efficient and sustainable results that are both medically effective and financially advantageous. Therefore, wider information of implant materials and their research is useful for students and professionals from various sectors. Project target group was scientists and students from the RTU RBIDC, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre, Faculty of Material Science and Applied Chemistry of Riga Technical University and other institutions. One of the project activities was a guest lecture of the German researcher in Latvia. The partners shared their experience and expertise on biosystem-material-interactions, cell architecture-cell function-dependencies, functionalized biomaterials surfaces (physical plasma, extracellular matrix molecules). Guest lecture was given on 19th of October 2011 and took place at RTU RBIDC.
The other main project activity was a visit of Latvian scientists in Germany to get acquainted with the equipment that is used for implant research. Visit to Germany established the development of new research trend in Latvia and potential scientific cooperation with German partners. Both parties acquainted with the available technologies and research methods will be more competitive and it will be easier to develop experimental process and obtain results that could be used in practice. This project is the first step towards further international projects and successful cooperation in the field of medical implant research.