Duration of the project
01.07.2020. - 30.11.2020.
Countries and institutions involved in the project
Project Manager
Dr. Lina Spirgiene
Project goals
PhD and Master students’ consultation; local workshops (1) for student nurses, student-midwives and nurse educators, and (2) for clinical nurses and their managers was organized; guidance on ‘Competence of situational awareness and skills of mindfulness for implementation at nursing education and clinical nursing practice’ (in Lithuanian) was developed.
This exchange of perspectives and cultural differences was important to develop own competences and for an early dissemination of the topic in education and clinical practice.
Main activities and venues
- Online panel discussion ‘Situational awareness in nursing care: being with the person in need – what competences are lacking in nursing/midwifery students?’. Participants: prof. Arndt Büssing, prof. Olga Riklikiene, prof. Aurelija Blaževiciene (a head of Nursing program committee at LUHS), A/prof. Lina Spirgiene, PhD candidate, a midwife Dangyra Ruseckiene, Master candidate, a mental health nurse Giedre Baltinaite. Lithuania University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 6th, 2020.
- Online workshop ‘Being in silence: mindfulness as a resource for therapeutic spiritual relationship’ for clinical nurses and nurse managers at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 7th, 2020
- Online workshop ‘Being in silence: mindfulness as a resource for therapeutic spiritual relationship’ for student nurses and nurse educators at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 8th, 2020
Public events
- Online panel discussion ‘Situational awareness in nursing care: being with the person in need – what competences are lacking in nursing/midwifery students?’. Participants: prof. Arndt Büssing, prof. Olga Riklikiene, prof. Aurelija Blaževiciene (a head of Nursing program committee at LUHS), A/prof. Lina Spirgiene, PhD candidate, a midwife Dangyra Ruseckiene, Master candidate, a mental health nurse Giedre Baltinaite. Lithuania University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 6th, 2020.
- Online workshop ‘Being in silence: mindfulness as a resource for therapeutic spiritual relationship’ for clinical nurses and nurse managers at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 7th, 2020
- Online workshop ‘Being in silence: mindfulness as a resource for therapeutic spiritual relationship’ for student nurses and nurse educators at Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania, October 8th, 2020
Direct and indirect target groups
Lithuanian nursing researchers (5)
Lithuanian nurse educators (5)
Lithuanian student nurses, first cycle (35)
Lithuanian student nurses, second cycle (10)
Estonian student nurses, first and second cycle (10)
Estonian nurse educators (2)
Latvian student nurses, second cycle (4)
Latvian nurse educators (2)
Lithuanian clinical nurses and ward managers from nursing hospitals (40)
Other nurses in nursing hospitals (60)
Patients in nursing hospitals (250)