Baltic-German network „International Finance”: development of study process and research excellence

Duration of the project

02.01.2014. - 15.12.2014.

Countries and institutions involved in the project

University of Latvia
University of Siegen
Vytautas Magnus University
University of Tartu

Aim of the project

To improve the quality of education and research by creating the network “International Finance”  for university teaching staff and researchers,  to provide a unified and coordinated acquisition of study courses in all network-affiliated universities, to promote sharing of knowledge as well as increased student and teacher academic cooperation.

Creation of the network will expand joint research opportunities, promoting discussion of the most current topics in international finance, as well as importance of cooperation and unity between the Baltic States and Germany in the global world.

Main activities of the project

  1. Creation of academic staff and researchers’ network”InternationalFinance”(Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia andGermany)
  2. Participation in themethodologicalseminarat the University ofSiegen (Germany)
  3. 08-10 May 2014 Report on University of Latvia International scientific conference „New challenges of Economic and Business development 2014“: „Finances, banks, accounting” section about  the course “International Finance” development options in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration (Riga, Latvia)
  4. 07 October 2014. Professional development seminar “International finance: Topical questions and teaching master classes” (Riga, Latvia)

Target group and number of persons involved

  1. Bachelor andMaster-levelstudentsattending”International Finance” courses in all network universities (about 400 students every year)
  2. Participants of professional developmentseminar: teaching stafffromuniversities inthe Baltic States, representatives of Latvian bank andcommercial banks, Commercial banks association andother interested persons (70 participants)
  3. Participants of University of Latvia International scientific conference „New challenges of Economic and Business development – 2014”: „Finances, banks, accounting” section. Report on the course “International Finance” development options in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna Declaration (30-50 participants)
  4. Participants of University of Latvia 72nd conference (February 2015). Report on the similarities and differences in the courses “International Finance” in Germany and the Baltic States (20-30 participants)
  5. Research publications in international journals and databases as a result of network cooperation in the future